Here are some more jokes… this time they are about dogs, one of the more popular balloon and face painting designs.

Q. What is the difference between a dog and a marine scientist?
A. One wags a tail and the other tags a whale.
Q. What kind of dog likes to hang around scientists?
A. A laboratory retriever
Q. What is a dog’s favorite soda?
A. Pupsi-cola.
Q. Why did the dog see the doctor?
A. Because a stitch in time saves canine.
Q. What do you tell young dogs when they make too much noise?
A. Hush puppies!
Q. Why are dogs bad dancers?
A. Because they have two left feet.
Q. Why are dogs like hamburgers?
A. They are both sold by the pound.
Q. What kind of dog tells time?
A. A watch dog.
Q. What is smarter than a talking dog?
A. A spelling bee.
Q. What happened when the dog went to the flea circus?
A. He stole the show.
Q. Why did the dog have to go to court?
A. Because he had a barking ticket.
Q. What are a dog’s clothes made of?
A. Mutt-erial.
Q. What do dogs put on their pizza?
A. Mutts-arella
Q. What has 400 teeth and says, “Beware of dog?”
A. A picket fence with a sign on it.