Animal Jokes
April 15th, 2014Looks like I haven’t posted new jokes for a while… These are NOT my jokes, they are jokes I collected from the Internet and other sources over the years. It is fun to have a few jokes to tell related to the designs the kids request, current weather, upcoming holidays, or the back to school season. The following jokes are all about animals.

Collection of Balloons
Q: What do you get from a pampered cow?
A: Spoiled milk!
Q: What do you call a sleeping dinosaur?
A: A dinoSNORE.
Q: Why did the spider go on the internet?
A: To make a Webpage.
Q: What is a balloon snake’s favourite subject?
A: Hissss-tory!
Q: What happened when two frogs went after the same fly?
A: They became tongue-tied!
Q: What did the frog do when his car broke down?
A: He got toad.